Google searches more sites more quickly, delivering the most relevant results.
Google runs on a unique combination of advanced hardware and software. The speed you experience can be attributed in part to the efficiency of our search algorithm and partly to the thousands of low cost PC's we've networked together to create a superfast search engine.
The heart of our software is PageRank™, a system for ranking web pages developed by our founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin at Stanford University. And while we have dozens of engineers working to improve every aspect of Google on a daily basis, PageRank continues to play a central role in many of our web search tools.
PageRank Explained
PageRank relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the web by using its vast link structure as an indicator of an individual page's value. In essence, Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page B. But, Google looks at considerably more than the sheer volume of votes, or links a page receives; for example, it also analyzes the page that casts the vote. Votes cast by pages that are themselves "important" weigh more heavily and help to make other pages "important." Using these and other factors, Google provides its views on pages' relative importance.
Of course, important pages mean nothing to you if they don't match your query. So, Google combines PageRank with sophisticated text-matching techniques to find pages that are both important and relevant to your search. Google goes far beyond the number of times a term appears on a page and examines dozens of aspects of the page's content (and the content of the pages linking to it) to determine if it's a good match for your query.
Google's complex automated methods make human tampering with our search results extremely difficult. And though we may run relevant ads above and next to our results, Google does not sell placement within the results themselves (i.e., no one can buy a particular or higher placement). A Google search provides an easy and effective way to find high-quality websites that contain information relevant to your search.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
How the Page Ranked !!!
Created by
Dhaval Kamdar
1:00 PM
link Dhaval Kamdar, Google Search Engine Optimization, SEM, SEO
Benefits Of Google
Benefits of a Google Search
1. Your search covers billions of URLs.
Google's index, comprised of billions of URLs, is the first of its kind and represents the most comprehensive collection of the most useful web pages on the Internet. While index size alone is not the key determinant of quality results, it has an obvious effect on the likelihood of a relevant result being returned.
2. You'll see only pages that are relevant to the terms you type.
Google only produces results that match all of your search terms or, through use of a proprietary technology, results that match very close variations of the words you've entered (e.g., if you enter "comic book", we may return results for "comic books" as well). The search terms or their variants must appear in the text of the page or in the text of the links pointing to the page. This spares you the frustration of viewing a multitude of results that have nothing to do with what you're looking to find.
3. The position of your search terms is treated with respect.
Google analyzes the proximity of your search terms within the page. Google prioritizes results according to how closely your individual search terms appear and favors results that have your search terms near each other. Because of this, the result is much more likely to be relevant to your query.
4. You see what you're getting before you click.
Instead of web page summaries that never change, Google shows an excerpt (or "snippet") of the text that matches your query -- with your search terms in boldface -- right in the search results. This sneak preview gives you a good idea if a page is going to be relevant before you visit it.
5. You can feel lucky and save time doing it.
Google excels at producing extremely relevant results, and flat out nails many queries such as company names. We're so confident, in fact, that we've installed an "I'm Feeling Lucky" button, which takes you directly to the site of the highest ranked result in your search. Try it and let us know if our confidence is justified.
6. You can get it, even when it's gone.
As Google crawls the web, it takes a snapshot of each page and analyzes it to determine the page's relevance. You can access these cached pages if the original page is temporarily unavailable due to Internet congestion or server problems. Though the information on cached pages is frequently not the most recent version of a site, it usually contains useful information. Plus, your search terms will be highlighted in color on the cached page, making it easy to find the section of the page relevant to your query.
Created by
Dhaval Kamdar
12:50 PM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Google Voucher…. Hurry!!!
Where can I get a Google Adwords voucher from?
Google Adwords are giving away a £30 voucher for you to spend on advertising online.
To get a £30 Google Adwords voucher just click on the following link and fill in the form.
Google will send you an email within 1-3 business days containing a voucher code and instructions.
Created by
Dhaval Kamdar
4:33 PM
Monday, December 3, 2007
Increase your Bottom-line by Advertising for Relationships
Now, that title probably makes you think that we're going to talk about personals ads. In a way, we are. The step that comes after buying a pay-per-click ad, like Google Adwords and the like is figuring out what to do with your traffic once you've got it coming in. After all, it's costing you money, you might as well try to convert that into cash flow. Next you need a well thought out marketing plan. So, think for a long moment. Put yourself in the position of the person who comes to your web site by that adword click. What do they see? What's on their mind when they click the link? (You should have a good idea for this based on the search term you paid for.) A lot of people new to Pay Per Click ads have this expectation that someone will click on the link, see the picture of the product, whip out the credit card and buy on the spot. A little bit of soul searching and/or common sense will show why that expectation is a recipe for disaster: How many times have you done exactly that behavior? Most likely, what happened is that you skimmed the offer, hit the back button, checked competing offers, and thought it over. Visitors to your web site are (more or less) like you. They're going to do the same thing. Now, that should put some context into the mix for you, and tells you something you should be doing. Comparison shop. "Wanted, a confidant who has a deep abiding passion for, who isn't a know it all or film flam artist, who respects that my time is valuable, and wants to set up a long term relationship, with a lot of repeat visits for mutual benefit." Notice what it isn't asking for? Someone to put a high pressure sell tactic on them, and try to finagle their credit card out of their wallet. And yet, so many pay per click ads lead to web sites that are nothing but "buy, buy, buy" that it's kind of scary how bad the marketing acumen is for the people who set them up. To make the sale, you need to express your interest in what the customer wants, you need to establish your credibility, and you need to make it clear that they stand to benefit from giving you some of their time. Then, you need to wait, and show them the respect that says "I trust you to make a reasonable decision - go check out the other sites; you'll be back here." The easy way to do this is offer them a taste of the content they'll get for subscribing. You get their contact info, they get your information content (with offers for products they might be interested in), and it's a fair trade. This also establishes that you have a deep and abiding interest in the subject matter, are willing to share information on it, and are willing to be patient enough to let them make up their own minds. That shows that you respect them. This is the foundation of any lasting, long term relationship, whether romantic, or commercial. Sharon Gantt also known as The Queen of Adwords Copywriting created & managed hundreds of ad campaigns on the major search engines. Learn how to boost your sales, get better cash flow with targeted effective Internet marketing. PPC the Easy Way
Created by
Dhaval Kamdar
3:37 PM
Get Google with Adword Program to Boost Website Visits
The Google Adwords program is a very popular new program. Mainly people who have products to sell on the Internet use it. If you want to sell products, it might be a good idea to check into the Google Adwords program to give you web site more exposure. Besides, it is not hard to learn and it can mean big profits for your business too. The Google Adwords program is a PPC, a pay per click program. It combines the use of an ad with text as advertisement for a product. You can write your own ad or have Google write it for you. Many people prefer to write their own ad. The ads consist of top keywords that are important to a website. More than likely you have seen the ads and not even realized what they were. They are usually vertical ads on the right hand of a computer screen you will see after you have done a search for something on the Internet, although occasionally the ads are horizontal. It does cost to place an ad with Google Adwords. This cost depends on what you are willing to pay for a CPC, a cost per click. If you have done a good keyword search before you write your ad then it is possible to use those keywords that will help your site and the ad will cost you less. Overall, it will cost you less because you have targeted your keywords to create an ad that draws in customers that will buy your products. Remember the less you are willing to pay for good keywords, the lower your ads will appear on the computer screen. You need to consider that you will be in competition with other websites that use PPC and there might be times that you will have to adjust what you pay for your ad. Finding relative keywords does take some work on your part. So, others that have found the relative keywords first, in order to bump out competition, are willing to pay a higher click through premium. Be sure you know what you are willing to pay for this ad text service from Google Adwords before you get started. Once you are at the level set by Google to stay in the rankings of valid PPC sites, you will need to maintain your listing. You cannot just create them, then forget about them and move on. You're ranking will fall because of tight competition for keywords and therefore ad placement. The ranking in a Google Adwords program is based on how many times a person clicks on your ad. The CTR, click through rate, is the life or death of your ad on Google Adwords. What else can you do to remain in the top rankings besides having good relevant keywords? The use of solid attention grabbing copy is another key to keeping your site prominent in a Google Adwords ranking. The Internet has changed dramatically in the last two years. For example, the domain names that were consider once high ranking and were very easy to get are rare to find today. So an acceptance of longer domain name extensions was created because of competition between websites. Banner ads became very popular and for a while, people were able to make money with them on the Internet. Banner ads are still used but more so as a linking tool to several different sites of an owner. This is done in the hopes to make more money covering many unique sites. There were a billion sites but trying to find customers is getting much harder to do. That is why the Goggle Adwords program was developed. Mass keyword targeting was the first step in trying to find a way to find an audience, but that proved too inefficient. There were just too many words on the Internet! Now, Google has created a marketing concept of site targeting for consumer searchers. This makes it a real benefit for you as a searcher or an advertiser. Information is much easier to find and because of targeted keyword use, it is what you need to find. As an advertiser you can target specific sties that you want to advertise on. Google Keywords does have its detractors. So if you are not sure if you want to use it, take it for a test run first. Go online and find out first everything you can about it. Use the extensive learning center at Google Adwords. Talk with others that use it to see what they thought about it. Read about some of the problems that others have faced and overcome with Google Adwords. It might be the key to your success online.
Created by
Dhaval Kamdar
3:27 PM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Go Dynamic! …with Google Adwords Dynamic Keyword Insertion
As I continue to experiment with new affiliate PPC campaigns, I’ve been venturing into new techniques I previously had not tried. One of those techniques is using “Dynamic Keyword Insertion” (also known as DKI) with Adwords. DKI allows you to have specific keywords in your advertising campaign displayed automatically within your text ads. Here is how to do it…
Using Dynamic Keyword Insertion Within Your Adwords Text Ads:
In this example, lets say you want to target “Dog Training” keywords.
If you were targeting the keyword “Train Dog” in Google Adwords, you text Ad might look something like this:
How To Train A Dog
40,000+ Copies Sold. Train Dog
With Immediate Results, Guaranteed!
You are probably going to want to expand your campaign from broad keywords to more specific highly targeted keywords as well (such as breeds of dogs).
For example, “Train Beagle” Train Collie” “Train Bulldog”
Instead of setting up a separate Adword’s Adgroup with a different Text Ad for each keyword you can consider using Dynamic Keyword Insertion. In this example, here is how you would do this:
1. Setup Adgroup named “Train Dog”
2. Add keywords (preferably using exact and phrase match).
[Train Beagle]
[Train Collie]
[Train Bulldog]
“Train Beagle”
“Train Collie”
“Train Bulldog”
ect…you would continue this with all dog breed names.
3. Create the Text Ad in the following format:
{KeyWord:How To Train Your Dog}
40,000+ Copies Sold. How to Train
With Immediate Results, Guaranteed!{KeyWord:Train-Dog}
Now when someone searches for “Train Beagle” your ad will appear like this (automatically!):
Train Beagle
40,000+ Copies Sold. How to Train
With Immediate Results, Guaranteed!
How Does It Work?
The syntax for Google AdWords Dynamic Keyword Insertion is {keyword: } but you will also need to add some default text after “KeyWord:” and within brackets.
The text placed after the colon is the default text which is displayed in the case that your keyword phrase is too long to be dynamically inserted into the ad.
The syntax code also allows for automatic capitalization changes:
> If you want to use all lower case use: {keyword:Default Text}
> If you want to use all UPPER CASE use: {KEYWORD:Default Text}
> If you want the First Letter Of Each Word all caps use: {KeyWord:Default Text}
> If you want the First letter of first word caps use: {Keyword:Default Text}
> If you want the FIRST word all caps and everything else lower case use: {KEYword:Default Text}
> If you want the FIRST Word All Caps And The First Letter of other words all upper case use: {KEYWord:Default Text}
In part 2 of “Go Dynamic” I’ll explain how to use Adwords Dynamic Keyword Insertion on your landing page.
To Your Success!
Created by
Dhaval Kamdar
4:19 PM
Friday, October 12, 2007
SEO Tips / Tricks
Search engine optimization is the hottest thing to hit the internet since the arrival of the social networks. What is search engine optimization and what does it do? There are many different types of search engine optimization techniques but they all focus on the same goal. That goal is to get your websites higher ranking on the search engines, attract more traffic to your website so that your website gains enough exposure to actually show up in the top 10 spots of the search engines when people search for certain keywords. The reason why this is such a hot topic is because once your website gets ranked on the first page of the search engines, you will see a dramatic increase in your monthly profits.
Once a website is created it is very weak and although it looks good there is no way for the search engines to find your site among the other billion websites on the internet. To tell you the truth it truly is like finding a needle in a hay stack. Over a period of time, the search engines will eventually find and send their robots to crawl your website so that they can add this to their index. This is how the search engines not only find your site but also rate your site and see where it should be placed in the search engine rankings. If you can wait a year or so and let your website grow without any help from search engine optimization then that's fine. The truth is even when the website is mature it most likely will not receive the exposure that you are looking for. I know some people that have had their websites for over 5 years and they have a page rank of one and they are still not ranking anywhere for the most common keywords for their business. By the way, page rank is how the search engines value your website. Although it is very hard to achieve page rank, the more page rank you have the better ranking you will see. Most people with disagree with the page ranking but supposedly that may change in the very near future.
How can I Improve search engine rankings you may ask? There are many different ways to improve search engine rank and to improve the exposure of your website but you have to start out with a good structure first then move on to the more technical techniques. If you are ready to take that next step and learn two of the most important techniques of search engine optimization, then keep reading and enjoy.
The first way to improve search engine placement and in my opinion are the most important technique to focus on are onsite search engine optimization. This technique is very powerful. I will give you a few hints on how this technique works.
First, we are going to talk about onsite optimization. This is one of my favorite techniques because it does wonders to your website. This is one of the most important tasks you must do to help the search engines find your web pages. You have to make your pages stick out like a lighthouse on a foggy night so the search engines can see them easier. Make sure that all pages in your website have good title tags. These are located at the top of each website you arrive on and they describe what the page is about. Make sure that you don't have just your business name as the title because if no one knows about your business then how are they going to know what the name of your business is when they do a search for it. If you are going to be branding you business name and you think the business name will send you the traffic you want the by all means do it. Just like Nike, everyone knows what Nike is so people will use the keyword Nike to search for shoes and sports apparel.
Place some good keywords in the title tags that you think people will use to search for your business. This is a very powerful tool to help get your site more exposure. Next, make sure your "meta tags" description has a good compelling content for people to view and come to your site. Make the description about two sentences in length. This next step is very important. Make sure your "Meta Tag" keywords have all the good keywords that will help the search engines and people find your website pages. Now whatever keywords you place in this area, you need to also place these keywords all over inside the content of your website pages.
The content of your website has to be very compelling and you should also add these keywords here and there inside the content. Make sure the keywords you are using are related to your product you are selling on your website. If the content is not good and is just spammed with key words then you risk the chance of having the search engines boot your website. If this happens you will have a very slim chance of getting back into the search engine index. It's not worth it to spam keywords, if you get caught you may have to start a whole new website over and loose any leads or income you have worked so hard to get.
This is one of the key tools to help improve search engine ranking. If you follow this tool and implement this on your website you will see a great change in the traffic to your website. It is not going to happen overnight but if you do it correctly I promise you it will happen over time. Remember, your website is a long term investment that will only get better with age. If you can be patient and use these tools I have shown you, you will see the difference.
Created by
Dhaval Kamdar
3:09 AM
Google Commands 60% of Global Searches
Google netted 37.1 billion of 61 billion total searches for August, dwarfing totals from Yahoo, and Microsoft. Google captured roughly 60 percent of the searches conducted worldwide in August, blowing away the field with 37.1 billion of 61 billion queries, according to new statistics from comScore. Five billion of Google's August searches came from the Mountain View, Calif., company's video property Yahoo sites ranked second with 8.5 billion worldwide searches, while Chinese language search portal nabbed third place with more than 3.2 billion searches. Microsoft sites grabbed fourth place worldwide with a 2.1 billion searches for August. The results were another day at the office for Google, which has stock experts and pundits giddy over its $633.38 trading price Oct. 11. Some market experts think the rampant speculation over a potential Google phone is responsible for the rise in Google's stock. Lehman Brothers predicted Google's share price might climb as high as $714 when the mobile mystery device manifests itself. Others believe the soaring stock was buoyed by the addition of YouTube videos to Google's AdSense network, broadening Google's online ad scope. Through all of the hype, financial analysts expect Google to report earnings-per-share growth of $3.75 and a 57 percent sales increase when the company unveils third quarter earnings on Oct. 18. Being the reigning global search engine leader can't hurt the stock price. More broadly, comScore said the 61 billion August searches were conducted by more than 750 million people age 15 and older at home or work. The report did not take into account searches done from public computers, such as Internet cafes or libraries, or access from mobile phones or PDAs. The bulk of the searches were queried in the Asia-Pacific region, where 258 million unique searchers conducted 20.3 billion searches. Europe followed with 210 million searches executing 18 billion searches, and North America was No. 3 with 206 million searchers and 16 billion searches. The metrics reflect the first fruits of comScore's new qSearch 2.0 service, which is designed to provide more granular details about online searches at the top 50 worldwide Internet properties, where search activity is observed. With qSearch 2.0, comScore, of Reston, Va., has made room for companies that provide Internet searches, but aren't search engines per se. This is done by determining whether a search originates from a text box on a search engine portal, an auto-search typed in the browser's URL line, or a search from a text box on a downloaded search toolbar, local search or a partner site. Accordingly, comScore now tracks search totals on eBay, Amazon, Wikipedia and Craig's List.
Created by
Dhaval Kamdar
2:56 AM
Monday, October 1, 2007
Google: 99.999 Percent Reliable, in Brazil
The folks at Pingdom measure the uptime of Google in different countries around the world. Google users in Brazil encounter the fewest hiccups. Google's Brazil site was down only three minutes in an entire year, giving it five 9s reliability. The U.S. search site was down ten times as much, giving it only 99.994 percent reliability. I think I can live with that. (Sweden came in last, with 48 minutes of downtime over the past year). Here are the stats: Click on Image...
Created by
Dhaval Kamdar
12:05 AM
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Google Launches Interactive Ad Format
"If you are an advertiser, you now have two new ways to communicate with users, thanks to Google." Google has introduced Google Gadget Ads and AdSense for Mobile, providing advertisers and agencies worldwide with a dynamic way to interact with consumers. Google Gadget Ads is an interactive ad format that is currently in an expanded beta with a select group of AdWords advertisers worldwide. Whereas AdSense for Mobile unlocks the potential of the mobile advertising market by enhancing the mobile experience with relevant ads that will help people find what they're looking for quickly when they are searching or browsing content on their mobile phones. Gadget ads not only enable advertisers to target audiences in a flexible and timely manner via regular updates within the ad unit, but also allow users to engage with ad content in a way static ads haven't facilitated in the past. Gadget ads can incorporate real-time data feeds, images, video and much more in a single creative unit and can be developed using Flash, HTML or a combination of both. Designed to act more like content than a typical ad, they run on the Google content network, competing alongside text, image and video ads for placement. They support both cost-per-click and cost-per-impression pricing models, and offer a variety of contextual, site, geographic and demographic targeting options to ensure the ads reach relevant users with precision and scale. "The introduction of this new advertising format provides advertisers and agencies worldwide with an imaginative, dynamic way to interact with consumers," said Susan Wojcicki, vice president, product management, Google. The system automatically reviews the content of publishers' mobile websites and delivers text ads that are relevant to the websites' audience and content. Publishers earn money whenever mobile users click on the ads. AdSense for Mobile provides a valuable way to connect mobile users with the right ad at the right time as they seek information on the go. Any Info:
"We are delighted with the response of Indian advertisers and publishers, who are using Google AdWords and AdSense as central tools for their business to generate revenue," said Shailesh Rao, managing director, Google India. "The launch of Gadget Ads and AdSense for Mobile will provide them with even more exciting formats and targeted technology to enhance their monetization potential."
"Google Gadget Ads are built on an open platform that enables distribution across the Google content network and can be shared on iGoogle and other personalized Web pages at no additional cost to advertisers."In addition, users can build active communities with gadget ads by sharing them with each other and placing them on nearly any Web page, including personalized iGoogle pages. These portability and sharing capabilities simultaneously generate additional free traffic and help foster a sense of community between advertisers and users.
To learn more about Google Gadget Ads. Google has also made available AdSense for Mobile, a programe that contextually targets ads to mobile website content. AdSense for Mobile allows AdSense publishing partners the ability to earn revenue from their mobile websites through the targeted placement of mobile text ads. With this programe, advertisers can connect with the growing number of mobile publishers, ultimately providing users with an enhanced mobile experience that helps them find what they are looking for more quickly and efficiently on the go. AdSense for Mobile is intended for AdSense partners who have created websites specifically for mobile browsers and who want to monetize their mobile content via contextual advertising. Like Google's other AdSense products, mobile text ads run on an auction model.
Created by
Dhaval Kamdar
11:18 PM
Google Official: Internet Growth To Be Fueled By Increase In Mobile Phone Use
Komfie Manalo - All Headline News Correspondent Bangalore, India (AHN) - Vinton G. Cerf, vice president and chief internet evangelist of Google on Tuesday said the growing number of mobile phone users would drive internet growth as he cited India's number of mobile phone users increasing by millions every month. Cerf said that the number of internet users in India ballooned to 1.1 billion from a mere 50 million users in 1997. The Google executive made the prediction during his visit in the company's research and development facility in Bangalore, considered as India's Silicon Valley. Cerf declared, "You will get those other 5.5 billion people only when affordability increases and the cost of communication goes down. The mobile phone has become an important factor in the Internet revolution." There are an estimated 2.5 billion mobile phone users in the world, and these number is expected to increase rapidly particularly in China and India, the world's most populous countries. Figures show that at lease seven million new mobile phone users are registered in India which prompted British telecom giant Vodafone to invest $11.1 billion for a controlling state in the local mobile firm Hutch-Essar in February. Cerf said new mobile phone models offer a wide range of internet-enabled features and services, such as payment and navigation services. He adds, "There are an enormous number of applications available on mobiles." Google has rapidly expanded its research and service offices in the country at the cities of Hyderabad, Delhi and Mumbai besides Bangalore, but Cerf said he has been visiting India since the early 1990s to understand its tech scene.
Created by
Dhaval Kamdar
10:55 PM
Friday, September 14, 2007
Internet Advertising - Google Adwords
Couple of month Change to prorating in grating a new business partner strategy.... Not so long ago, millions of small business owners turned almost exclusively to the tried-and-true Yellow Pages to advertise their wares. But the Internet revolution has changed that, as small businesses have rushed to embrace new ways of attracting customers with technology.
Internet search-advertising is the hottest marketing trend to hit small business in decades. These are tiny, text-only paid ads that you create and which pop up as search engine results when potential customers’ type in key words and phrases related to your business.
Business owners in every industry and location are turning to these low-cost online advertising campaigns conducted through search engines to help drive business. The trend is unmistakable. According to survey, consumers are not letting fraud concerns stop them from shopping online. Results of this survey indicate that consumers are buying more each year online and that most believe the Web is becoming a safer place to shop.
Meanwhile, the spread of high-speed Web connections and hardware improvements are giving the Web advertising market a boost, and paid search engine advertising, also known as keyword advertising, is leading the way.
Small businesses are showing a marked preference for the new online marketing tools, which offer tremendous flexibility to control costs and test various marketing approaches almost instantly. For example, florists can quickly change from prom to wedding season or an air conditioning service can exploit an early heat wave. What’s more, results from these types of ads can be tracked, and return on investment measured in tremendous detail never available with traditional print types of advertising.
If your business uses a Web site to sell or market products and services, online marketing will be critical to your success. Targeted ads attached to keyword search results are the clear winner among Web-based marketing methods. Their simplicity, low cost and popularity among small businesses have pushed flashy banners aside as the main method for connecting buyers and merchants online. You pay only when someone clicks your ad and visits your site. A prospect that reads your brief ad but doesn’t click it costs you nothing.
A leading search ad outlet is Google AdWords. And the total service is offered by Google Authorized Resellers Like Nextgen Publishing Ltd. Google has been approved the Next Gen Publishing For Authorized Reselling of Google Adword Product in India and all SEM activity pertaining to their customers for Best performance.
To learn more about marketing your small business on the Web, contact me any time. There is no consultant fees…
Created by
Dhaval Kamdar
9:54 PM
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Autorised Reseller Of Google Adwords - Google Adwords Professional
The Internet can be a great equalizing force—but only for those who are seen.
Internet Visibility
A measure of how easy it is to:
~ Discover relevant information in the context where that information is of value.
~ Find relevant information when and where you need it.
~ Internet Visibility Changes Everything
High visibility lets you…
~ Get your message out
~ Capture mindshare for your brand
~ Establish ongoing conversations with your market
~ Develop credibility and rapport with a market
… regardless of your company size!
Google AdWords
Google AdWords ads connect you with new customers at the precise moment when they're looking for your products or services.
Google AdWords
· Up to 80% of searches go through Google.
· AdWords ties search phrases to your ads.
· You pay only for actual ad clicks.
· You specify your own per click price.
· You control your own ad budget.
· No minimum spending limit
· Rs.2500 One Time Setup Fees
AdWord Advantages
~Paid Placement
~Assured placement
~Control over title, description and keywords
~Targeted distribution of ad content
~Pay only for result
~Predetermined daily marketing budget
~Reduce acquisition cost
~Fast measurable ROI
~Broaden market share
~Creative text copy right
~Ad testing for Higher CTR
~Bid management and strategy
~Advance campaign management location and time
~Automated CPC management.
~Nearly Immediate Response
~Excellent Market Testing Vehicle
~Levels the Playing Field
~You’re in Control
NextGen Publishing Ltd.
Authorised Resellers of Google Adwords
91 9426756850
Created by
Dhaval Kamdar
11:30 PM
link Ad Camaign, Advertising, B2B, B2C, Customer Oriented., ROI Calculation