Search Engine Optimization and Search engine marketing free tools coming soon.
If you want to attract to your site, hundreds and thousands of new targeted visitors every day, while adjusting for search algorithms, and without delving into the complex science, carefully read this page.
Dear Internet Entrepreneur,
How important is it for site optimization SEO?
The answer is simple - the more visitors you get, the more you will be subscriptions, registrations, orders, sales, profits and so on.
No move - no visitors.
No visitors - no money.
However, for most people, optimization SEO site - it is just an impossible mission.
People are taken for website optimization SEO all the forces are exploring all sorts of tricks, techniques of optimization SEO, and despite the fact that they are making at least some result in the end their site and remains at very low levels of attendance.
On the other hand, is full of examples where sites are making great strides without the intention of optimization SEO from the owner.
Moreover, attendance at these sites is growing from month to month.
What's the secret?
"80% of visitors come to the site because 20 percent of your actions"
This famous 80/20 rule, which applies to virtually all spheres of life and business. In this case, it just fits. Moreover, of all the techniques, secrets and techniques of optimization SEO only, only 20 per cent will bring you 80 percent attendance.
And those 20 percent lie far in the search engine optimization, algorithms, CEO and other complex sciences. That is why people who do not know anything really about optimization SEO, sometimes create the most popular sites.
Because they focus on more important activities.
In carrying out these actions on a regular basis, you can get almost any number of visitors to any of its sites.
What kind of action? It is this and is dedicated to this project.
Who am I to teach you?
I will not try you something to prove here, hang noodles on the ears, to write what I am smart, show screenshots of the popularity and amount of money earned, as it would make the authors of other training courses.
In the end, all these things can and lie, screenshots can and do forge.
I have nothing to hide, so you can check in as my materials, to meet with me and my work, you can simply type my name - Dhaval Kamdar- in any search engine.
In the Internet you will find a large number of my original articles, audio, video, and reviews of real people who have helped my materials.
Of the notable achievements, I can mention the creation of the video course "Strategies for effective optimization SEO", which was the first detailed video courses for optimization SEO in Russia and almost immediately became a bestseller.
Since its release, I managed to get a large number of letters of gratitude from real webmasters as well as find a lot of positive feedback and reviews on the web.
Last year I spent a lot of consultations in the field of optimization SEO, to observe and participate in the optimization SEO of various projects, which helped to identify all the same actions have the maximum impact on attendance.
Through detailed analysis, the experience of others, as well as some experimentation, I managed to find one simple and universal solution optimization SEO, which today will be available to you.
I present to you a new educational video course ...
"This is a full 8-hour guide to promote absolutely any site to the maximum levels of attendance!"
Everything is explained step by step, simple human language, in an accessible and easy to master the form!
You will receive a course on DVD-ROM with a light and easy to use interface inside:
(The disc menu and the course runs on any computer with any platform - Windows, Mac, Linux and others)
The course consists of ten training modules.
You can spend their training in one of two scenarios:
You can use the tactics
Each module, in fact, is the key to the visitors. That is, you can listen to one module, use the information only from him and had to get the result. Therefore, if you do not have time to play the course as a whole, then parts of it could be for you to move tactics.
You can use the strategy
If you have enough time, then listen to the entire course from beginning to end, including the latest module "master plan". From it you learn how to consistently apply all of you up to date researched information to unleash any site to any level of attendance. You get to this particular strategy.
Below the page you will find a description of each of the ten modules of the course ...
Module # 1: only one word that defines success
Learn the basics of optimization SEO of the site and find important. One concept, one word, one step - and your site will be known throughout the network. And that word is not "money"!
From this module you will be able to understand the new ideology of the optimization SEO, which went through many projects in Russia. This is the basic foundation of any optimization SEO of the site.
Length: 42 minutes 47 seconds.
Here are just a part of what you learn by studying this module: What is the content and how to use it for optimization SEO of sites? How to start a website optimization SEO from scratch? Even if you only first saw this keyboard, this module shows you how to do it. Hit season: optimization SEO without money (all heard about it, but few know how this is possible). Within a few hours you will be completely different way to imagine the basic ways of optimization SEO. Why, if you have not started work early to give up? Why 97 of 100 projects have already died in the first month? (not less than half of them did not understand what was the catch!)) What do a popular website? How do they succeed? How to progress? Just one word - and you'll be able to give answers to these and other questions. Can unleash site in one step? (this is also really like checkmate in three moves in chess). One project + one simple step = real profit! What is common between the optimization SEO of a site and thermonuclear reaction? The rule of "more is more." You will learn how to use "slow nuclear explosion" to the optimization SEO of projects on the Internet. Why is it good that there is no magic bullet or universal formulas for attracting visitors, as well as how it deals specifically with you? Why do so many projects are forgotten in the middle? This is the same when you are waiting for a bus for 30 minutes - you'll have to wait in the hope that it will come, or go on foot? How to get through to a huge surge, or why in a moment suddenly comes a breakthrough? Some abandoned their projects in just a minute before. How to start big projects? Why did they become famous without attachments? Earlier in RuNet almost no information. Now there is none - although, of course, from the side and not say. Use it as their most powerful weapon. Why only SEO - is a very bad version of the optimization SEO? (That which will never tell you seo-experts!) Unconscious search engine optimization - internet marketing myth or reality? When exactly will you get the result? How best to approach this time and start receiving visitors within a few days? What is still more efficient - a search or content optimization? You will receive a final decision, which will provide quick results at the initial stage of optimization SEO and a steady stream of visitors in the future.
Module # 2: it is impossible to measure, but you can get?
Make your site attractive to the people: learn to predict all the needs of the target audience and give appropriate responses to their expectations.
From this module you will receive a specific interest in methods of heating and forming the nucleus site.
Duration: 62 minutes 7 seconds.
Here are just a part of what you learn by studying this module: "We wanted the best, but it turned out as always" or "No one seeks to create bullshit". As you can appreciate, do you "as always" or still "as better"? Why competitors in your field - your best friend in the optimization SEO? (Master Aikido know why a strong opponent always interesting weak) What's better - a shot from a pistol or a bombardment? When it comes to optimization SEO, the answer may shock you slightly. Quality against quantity - is it possible to combine neobedinyaemoe? Gourmet method SWIPE, which has for many years using the Western guru. With it you can create any number of quality articles, as well as easy to delegate work on their writing. How to write opinion articles, while not figuring in the subject? (Nobody can guarantee that, after reading your article, you do not become an expert!) Where, where your competitors are taking so much interesting material every day? Why are all your documents are preserved after someone drown your computer in a lake hot acid? (You'll learn how to protect all the work already done). Methods of the breakdown of espionage in the network - how to find all the competitors to know how they live, what they breathe, and why have succeeded? Correct search content: there is a huge army of people who are already working for you. So why do you still do not know it? Start using it right now! Everyone can see how well developed competitors. But not everyone uses their experience. How to use already invented the wheel? What movie you should see: about Terminator, about Bill Gates or "Terminator against Bill Gates? Secrets of interesting content. Why ordinary paper notebook is often more important than the computer? Notebook for 3 $ and a pencil for 1 $ can give you the effect is worth a million!
Module # 3: Key storm
Learn how to attract visitors without the use of huge budgets, as well as how to use the work done by your competitors for personal gain.
This module will show you the basics of planning your next advertising campaign, setting specific goals and objectives, as well as the choice of the right audience.
Length: 48 minutes 14 seconds.
Here are just a part of what you learn by studying this module: How to use the guarantee of traffic? Few people understand how it can be due to constantly evolve, so many allow competitors to circumvent him. Three-stage strategy keyword tool, used by all experienced SEOs. Simple? Yes. Easy? No. Learn to - and your efficiency will increase in times. How to think not about how many people you can attract, or why everyone starts at the wrong end? Endless source of ideas for optimization SEO or a mountain avalanche, started with a snowball. Unique method of brainstorming, which you can use on your site today! Why visitors do not leave with some good sites? (No, seriously, why would not they just up and leave?) Three step optimization SEO - as three moves before checkmate. Simple, fast and extremely effective. Find out where there are areas without competitors, but with a mass of customers. Learn to see them in any area. Take advantage of the fact that competitors hyped myself for you. How do you think it is inhumane tough reception efficiency or normal business practice? Where exactly quantity turns into quality. Why do tours to Antarctica and the creation of sites in the Arctic - this is not a joke? You went to the visitor, looking for something on another topic. He stayed and read everything from cover to cover, and then began to return every day. What have you done with him? (perhaps the leaders of sects already know the answer, but it is wrong). Shot doublets - as in one motion to double the efficiency of optimization SEO? The magic rule "wider and deeper", which misses up to 99% of the owners of sites (no, seriously, that so many people are lazy, instead of making just one important action). How to convert visitors into buyers with properly selected keywords?
Module # 4: Statistical key to success
This module will be a revelation even to many specialists in search engine optimization SEO.
From it you learn to analyze their future plans: five minutes of analysis will save you a few months of work. Calculate how much you can deceive the company offering the services of SEO.
Length: 53 minutes 25 seconds.
Here are just a part of what you learn by studying this module: Why do so many SEOs expect hundreds of thousands of visitors per month on any request, but in fact their is much less? This is a mistake which ruins the analysis of the roots (I met her, even among people who call themselves experts optimization:). How to make correct and adequate prediction of the number of visitors? Learn that more people remember when they think about your product or service (it's not telepathy, but quite real strategy). Categorized list of keywords to move without extra effort - in three clicks! Use the results of market research, has made competitors for you (to get the data, not necessarily be a hacker). Why Rambler Yandex better, despite the fact that its market share is much less? As statistics Runet all sites will help you in seconds. All data from all sites: for such is even difficult to dream! Why cost-specific queries are often much more expensive and more effective overall? Even SEO-specialists sometimes do not understand this - learn to expect a clear advantage is in its field. When casual users give you the recipe right move? How to see and use these tips to work? What is better - "Plastic windows" or "Dom-2"? How to find a gold mine, even at the most competitive market? Where to find the number that shows how much more your site to evolve to the level of the leader of the sphere? (Remember, what it is today - and compare a month after the course). How to evaluate the competitiveness of your questions and not to engage in battle, where the price of victory is too high? What does the inside page top issue? Why is this you have to light up the eyes? What is the competitiveness of the request and how to measure it? You will get practical tips on how to get the number of optimized according to your request sites, and consequently, your chances improve their place in the issuance of him. Page Rank and IC Yandex. What are these concepts? You will see how they can be used to obtain information on key demands. Learn to identify at first glance to search real time and search optimization SEO budgets. Do you want two weeks on I place no extra cost? You'll see where this is possible.
Module # 5: Structuring
Are you sure that during the process of moving going the right way and will definitely represent what should be the end result?
This module will help you evaluate the prospect and make sure to reach the goal is really the best way (which does not seem as such).
Length: 34 minutes 12 seconds.
Here are just a part of what you learn by studying this module: How important is it to do everything not in the creative chaos, and adhering to the structure? Why mess is good only in the minds of the creator, but not in site optimization SEO? How to get the user the effect of "Yes, this is what I need." Learn how to prevent the visitors to escape from the pages of your site. Which pages should be higher on the structure? Why the site structure so important to his advancement? What happens to those who do not understand? How better to "sprinkle" your set of keywords on your site? Why these words should be put on these very pages? How much more effective if done this way? Part of your pages will not work - they simply are not visible in search engines. How to correct the situation, because if you are not looking - then you do not have anywhere else? Warning A huge mistake focusing on queries! What is better - a year of work and 1000 users, or one hour and 500 users? The famous method of "one shot - one corpse" against the principle of nesting dolls. What is better, and in what situations - and how to benefit from both marketing strategies. Why do so many site owners admit a huge mistake even when choosing the most important goals? How not to throw their time, their money and their energy in the wind? Find out today, and not in a year - will see if you have 100% success in driving or just zilch? How to evaluate the effect of being on the first place the search issue? Realistic examples of working requests. Just compare your ideas about promoting the harsh practices. How can I make to get natural links you with the right keywords? (completely free, without using any secret techniques of the impact on the minds of users!) Find out what the context test, what it is you need and how to spend it. Why should those who have invested huge sums of money in the optimization SEO, the result often receive far less than those who at first thinks and then puts an order of magnitude smaller? Why we move to high-demand, no need to actually move to high-demand?
Module # 6: Simple SEO
These are the 20 percent of SEO, which can give you 80 percent effect. Spend a couple of hours on this module and to work with the site - and save several years of the study of algorithms of search engines.
This module will show you how you can do without the analysis of algorithms, and use techniques that will work even after several years.
Length: 39 minutes 52 seconds.
Here are just a part of what you learn by studying this module: Who you need - a zombie or a target visitors? SEO - is a way to deceive the search engine or the ability to make your site more accessible to the user? Why you do not need to repeat the mistakes of his experience of optimizers to you, but you can skip to the last stages? No, seriously, how is it that you miss so many interesting and cognitive errors? How can I optimize where to place the words, how many words on a page? Is myths inspired by last year's articles on the optimization. Now everything has been operating a little differently. The user does not choose between your site and the sites of competitors, but simply closes inappropriate until it sees a decent option. How can it clear that your site - exactly what he was looking for? The golden rule of search engine optimization - if you do not know it, you do not know anything about SEO. Learn about the main thing is the most important element of the site, which affects the optimization SEO and sales. What is actually needed headings and subheadings? How best to select text? Why is the keyword at the beginning of a paragraph can be as "strong", as in the title? Correct and incorrect typography headings: beautiful, right and good selling. You can select all items. Magnets attention - a simple psychological trick, bringing a great effect. It is better to take advantage of such magnets before the competition! 3 major mistake that the webmaster, making out the titles on the site (and 3 of the Council, how to use competitors' mistakes for the benefit). As a result of optimizing a specific page for a particular word? (average run time - 5 minutes per page)
Module # 7: Link Building
From this module you will learn simple techniques that will improve the efficiency of optimization SEO at times. You learn how to attract links, and learn how to do it naturally, so that search engines were loyal to these links.
Construction of link structure - is the most important and most difficult part of search engine optimization, you will also learn how to make your way as comfortable as possible.
Length: 39 minutes 22 seconds.
Here are just a part of what you learn by studying this module: It really works inbound link: learn to correctly render the authority and dispose of them. Warning To get quick results, no need to hurry. Why fast optimization SEO - the most dangerous? Do not repeat the mistakes of inexperienced prodvizhentsev! How can a movement be absurd in the bath? (this is not a Russian steam bath or Finnish sauna, but that may deprive you of 70 per cent of traffic) Not all links are equally useful. When one link is worth a thousand? How to get only those links? What are the ways you can get guaranteed links to the site? Rules for registration in catalogs and white techniques, not obvious to beginners. How many titles should be at your site and how it may affect the number of options that you get? Why free link can cost you more paid? (Safety instructions) How else can we increase the number of links to the site, after you have registered him once in the catalogs? Stateyny marketing. What exactly lies behind this way of optimization SEO, and how it should be used to obtain quality links? Why is the inner perelinkovka or why you really thought about hypertext. Objectively, only about 10% of the site owners know the answer to this question, and only half of them apply knowledge in practice. How to deal with duplicate content and get out 1 of Article 100 or 1000 unique to search engines? Sleight of Hand and no fraud! There are two ways of placement of articles: 1) free and 2) qualitative. Advantages and disadvantages of these options. Do not rush to choose until you know them all. Nizkochastotniki - why, unwinding home, you need to unscrew the inside pages. To raise the reference indicators for your site, you do not have a red diploma in applied mathematics, and to know the formula for ranking.
Module # 8: bait for links
You may have heard that for obtaining natural links, you must get others to link to your site for free. This module will show you how you can achieve this.
From this module you will learn not only how to get a large number of links to your site for search engine optimization, but also how to get even with the additional target visitors.
Duration: 23 minutes, 53 seconds.
Here are just a part of what you learn by studying this module: How to develop only natural links? Many successful sites have long since done. Learn their secret and enter the number of leaders. Secrets of lists - "33 of the Council for the owner of the site, 55 errors webmasters, 100 recipes and 1001 useful advice" - the most powerful ways to attract natural links. How to organize a mini-revolution in its niche - trouble-free way to attract links from all areas. Infect the network virus! All flavors of viral spread, buzz-marketing and "word of mouth". How to use satire, humor and jokes for a viral optimization SEO? (as well as not use) Link, which will bring you hundreds of users. As it can not be clicked, and it is not visible to search engines. Put it - and you will talk about for years. Something to hide from you all the internet marketing guru? Why, to reveal this secret, you need to become a guru? Want to become an expert? Catch the expert and do not let go until he tells all that is necessary. A simple way to get a tangible link with the interview. The method of "Oscar". Arranging award in its niche, you will get a barrage of options within just a few weeks. From small ceremonies to release leaders of you can throw a bomb and a lot of hype to attract attention. What little script can give you a tremendous impact on attracting links. It's easy, it causes addiction, and it is legal. Combine all the ways to get links into a single strategy - and just enjoy the result (sooner or later you can do and automate this process!)
Module # 9: the creation of "light" content
The more content available on your site, the more visitors you get. With this module, you can literally put the production of content on autopilot.
You'll also learn how to get a free unique content. That is, other people will do the work for you, and, based solely on personal interest, without asking for payment.
Duration: 31 minutes 58 seconds.
Here are just a part of what you learn by studying this module: What if the time to maintain high quality content to your site is not enough? You will receive the economic rationale for the use of employees. Proven ways to create "light" content, when your site is already filled, but for the further optimization SEO you need more material. As a leader become a leader? Why big investments quickly pay for themselves? Why spend money now, when you can not invest and spend their time? Specific answers to specific questions: users themselves will offer you a theme for the articles - and even to some extent they write. (for this type of content you do not even need to pick keywords) Why do people like to work for you for free? How to find these people and use their energy for peaceful purposes? How fast and almost free to get 100 articles for the site? (This is to everyone's taste, but few people realize what is really happening). What to do if there is no money, or how to use creative. Redeem money for the idea, and vice versa! How to get free content of excellent quality, dedicated just to your goods. (Of course, Amazon knew this a few years ago, but few people realized learn from this experience). How to create a collection point for "glass content" on the site? (How do you think, who gets more money - the man who collects bottles, or one who takes them?) 3 tips how to encourage users to write on the case, or why they would not write in comments "hello, how are you?". When most complex form can be better than a little convenient field to send a message? Do not listen to usability professionals: do business! How much is it to hire a good copywriter? (the amount for the good work you are too shy to voice). What if the candidates for the post of copywriter too little, and they do not suit you? You will learn how to get almost incalculable number of applicants for new position.
Module # 10: Master plan
The final lesson of the course will help the 12 steps to connect all that you had time to learn together and get the specific strategy. You know what, when and in what order you need to take to reach any level of attendance.
If you need the knowledge of the course a year, there will be enough to listen to this module - they come and will be contacted in your memory.
Length: 18 minutes 6 seconds.
Here are just a part of what you learn by studying this module: How is the creation of the master plan will help you in the optimization SEO of a site, or why untwist without a plan - as silly as to be a commander without a map? The fact that you will not do, but what you need to make sure. Many miss the important points of the course with the words "me-too well, it is not necessary. Check whether all the steps to success you remember. Learn how your main competitors can continuously update their sites, regardless of weather, economic status or even holidays. Conduct reconnaissance: what did your competitors and what specifically made. Use their experience and not repeat their mistakes. How to calculate the number of users who will come to your site. Before the course, these numbers would have seemed like science fiction to you! Learn how to group the high-and midrange. One of the favorite and most effective methods of masters SEO. How best to publish - 10 articles for 10 days or 20 articles for one? How to look at this search engine, and that users will think? Do you always return to sites with useful information? How to make sure that people kept returning it to you? Why use a certain mode of operation has a positive effect on the quality of content? How many people and what to bring to your site unwound many times faster? A simple way to always keep abreast of and monitor their progress.
What exactly do you get from the course?
It would be logical to ask what is specifically unique to this method of optimization SEO, how it works, how it can help you, and why you should order it.
You can unleash any site
The method is suitable for absolutely any site, on any topic. This means that you can untwist any of their new or existing projects, even if they are in different niches. You'll also be able to help with the optimization SEO of a others.
You will learn how to untwist sites from scratch
Even if the site was just created, and you have not yet carried absolutely no procedures relating to the optimization SEO, you will still be able to bring it to a good level of visits.
optimization SEO from scratch would be even a plus for you, as you can from the first minute to focus on those things that bring you maximum results.
You will get stable results every time without exception
Once you have mastered the technique in practice once, you can use it again and again to any sites on the Internet. You may want to revive their old projects that you have closed because of low attendance.
The method will work for you consistently every time.
You will be able to steadily increase traffic to your site from month to month
One of the biggest problems occurs when a person spins the site only to a certain level, and attendance at the it freezes, for example, in the interval 100 visitors per day. The course, you will understand how to avoid and make his attendance to progress.
Moreover, it will happen on autopilot, if you simply follow the procedure. It is constructed so that each month you'll get more and more visitors. And the more visitors you get, the more new visitors will come. That is, you get something like a geometric progression.
You will be able to attract absolutely any number of visitors
Do not let this phrase to shock you.
Is real.
With the reservation, of course, that you will do all that is required. I must admit, have to work. But absolutely every level of attendance is possible.
The problem of existing approaches to the optimization SEO - a limited niche. If your keyword is requested enough, you'll like anything with this can not help it. Of course you will learn how to circumvent this problem and to obtain any number of new visitors.
You can do without investing money in optimization SEO
If the first stage you have no money on optimization SEO - this is normal.
You can move your site without them. However, once I warn you in the long run you would in any case invest the money in advance.
The great advantage of the methodology of the course lies in the fact that at the very beginning you can do all the work on its own, without any investment, make sure you had a chance to reach a certain level of attendance and the first to start earning money.
You are not require any special knowledge
Frankly, the course is available, even the teapot, which is not heard about the optimization SEO up to this point at all. However, this does not mean that the information in the course presented at a low level. Simply complicated things in it due to easy words and simple examples.
Therefore, even if you are a professional in the field of Internet marketing, you will be useful to listen to the course to a little "down to earth" and see how everything is simple.
You can reassign the optimization SEO to other people
If you do not have time to unscrew the site itself, the technique will allow you to fully or partially delegate the process to others. This can be very useful if you have many projects as you can simply control the process, and free time to spend, for example, to create new projects and ongoing support.
You will only need to follow the simple steps
The best part is when in front of you have an action plan with concrete steps, through which must pass in order to get the result. Such a plan you have, and you just have to transfer it to practice. You no longer have to knock on the sides, when you know beforehand to what they should focus.
You will use only legal methods
Methodology completely "white". Вы можете быть спокойны за то, что вы ничего не нарушаете и соблюдаете даже этические нормы. Incidentally, this is perhaps one of the reasons why the technique allows attendance continuously progressing. You can be sure about the fact that your site will not block one day.
You protect yourself from penalties search engines
The method is also friendly to search engines. From any bans and penalties you will not have to shiver. Moreover, the basic techniques of the course, on the contrary, cause sympathy of search engines, as you give them what they like most - clean content. The most important thing - you can just be quiet for the future of the site.
You will create the foundation for its brand
Throughout the way, while you untwist the site, you will create a name for himself. Due to the "white" receptions and a large amount of content your work, one way or another, will benefit other people. This is one of the foundations of the methodology. And if you help others, then other people will treat you better, begin to trust you, will actively monitor your activity. It's all will allow you to create the basis for its future brand.
In the future you can, for example, to create educational products, to sell different products, related to the topic of your site, or even write a book.
The main thing that you will have the name and their admirers. And all this will be built automatically, while you are doing unwrapping.
You will have more subscribers / readers / listeners
This, incidentally, is your future fans, fans, if you want. You will be able to achieve what you will read and listen. If you have a newsletter / blog / podcast, you'll be able to significantly increase its audience, which then you will already be able to make commercial offers. And it will be perceived as even more as a recommendation than a sale.
You will be able to increase their sales and get more profits
Most importantly, methods of optimization SEO will let you sell more! More sales means more money for you. The more visitors you bring, the more money you get in the end.
One of the most basic lessons of Internet marketing, which I made - to double the profit from the site, you simply double its attendance. It works like a clock! And believe me, double the attendance at times not so difficult.
Monday, March 15, 2010
{ SEO } + { SEM }
Created by
Dhaval Kamdar
4:28 PM
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